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Adult Ministries


FBC offers a variety of ministry opportunities for adults of all ages.  Below is a brief summary of different adult ministries and events/activities currently taking place!

Women's Missionary Union

The WMU is a wonderful active group of Godly women in our church who actively promote missions such as Annie Armstrong, Lottie Moon, and Janie Chapman. 


The Maxine McCutchen Prayer Group meets the 1st Monday of each month at 3:00 pm in the Ladies Parlor.






Cap Ministry

The Cap Ministry meets on the 3rd Monday afternoon of each month at 3:00 pm in the Quilting Room.  This special group of ladies gathers to knit caps of various sizes to be used in shoeboxes and also to give to new babies born into our congregation!  Anyone is invited to join in this time of fun, fellowship, and ministry!




Brotherhood consists of men of the church of all ages who gather together on the third Monday of each month to eat, fellowship, encourage one another, and usually hear a devotional message from a guest speaker.  Brotherhood is very thankful for the completed construction of the River Cabin to have a new "permanent" meeting place!  Brotherhood also engages in various ministry projects throughout the year.



Quilting Ministry

Our Quilting Ministry, led my Mrs. Vivian Catoe, has grown so quickly during the past few month!  These wonderful ladies have been meeting on the 2nd and 4th Monday afternoon of each month at 3:00 pm in the Quilting Room.  They are always joyfully creating new quilts for different ministry opportunities - especially for new mothers/babies in our congregation!  Anyone is welcome to join in this fun time!



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